Laundrezy - Laundry Made Easy

The Laundromat business is considered to be quite a success in the western countries and it is with this business that the true Do-It-Yourself concept took momentum. As easy as it sounds and as cool as it appears to be, this business was not for everyone because it involves a large capital that is needed to procure the equipment, rent the place and maintenance.

What if there was a way with which anyone with a minimal capital investment capacity could become an entrepreneur and open their own Laundromat business? Well, now there is.

Laundrezy is a unique business idea that can help enterprising individuals to kickstart their own Laundromat without shelling out heavily on the equipment. A strategic partnership between the nation’s three best enterprises, Hotpoint, RentCo Africa and LG has given birth to Laundrezy – Laundry Made Easy.


How to lease a machine

Step 1

Sign-up with Laundrezy

Do that by clicking here

Step 2

Identify a suitable location

Step 3

LG & Hotpoint will set up state-of-the-art

laundry equipment at your premises

Step 4

Start earning

Learn more and apply
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